Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

(No Subject)

I find myself thanking god, the true god, more and more each day. Thank You.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


What's the deal O'neal? I'm doing good on this beautiful Thursday evening. I think today is the first day in a week or so when the humidity hasn't been above 50 percent. Aside from the weather i want to get into the "concept" of friendship. For a little while now, 5 or 6 months,I've been thinking about the people around me and who among them i consider a friend. Friendship, to me, isn't based on ANYTHING except for a common bond between two people. If you can't accept the person for who he/she is then why be around them right?
Some of the people around me don't share the same views as me and that's lead to a few minor confrontations to say the least.
I read this book called THE PROPHET in May. In one of the passages the author states, "Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit." That line hit me like a MACK TRUCK! I think i even shed a tear because of it lol. I think that line/passage was so compelling to me because it helped me settle the conflict i had within myself.
I was at odd with myself because i had these people around me that i basically didn't feel comfortable with; i didn't trust them. I was hearing stories about me that were inaccurate and they were coming from inside my "camp". That shit fucked me up! People who i wouldn't dare betray were throwing dirt on my name.
Two weeks ago i uncovered one of those weak-minded motherf***ers. I had my doubts about this dude, but i never took action. He said something, scratch that, he implied something and i called him out on it. Long story short, i made it clear that he and i weren't cool anymore. Whenever he comes in my direction he keeps his head down and walks further confirming my notion that he was one of the dudes in my "camp" throwing dirt on my name.

(Short Break)

I've come to this conclusion. If i cant accept you for who you are and i feel uncomfortable around you then I'm not fucking with you (excuse my french). I'm open to the opportunity of meeting people, but I've been around enough bullshit to smell it when i see it. I've taken the steps to eliminate those kinds of people and the energy they bring with them from around me. I got a bit more work to do in regards to my definition of friendship, but I'm moving forward. Isn't that all that we ask of ourselves?- I'm talking about progress and moving forward.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This song would describe how i feel word- for- word.

Don't Call It A Comeback

What up world! Its been a while to say the least. Let me bring you guys up to speed as to what has been going on in my mind and around me.First off, I fell into a state of depression around the time that i stopped blogging. I'm happy to say that my thought process has regulated itself, and i feel good. Its not a "good" good either. I feel pure and i haven't felt like this in about 3 or 4 years. Aside from me going crazy my surroundings have changed. What that means is i've been homeless since April, and it's one of the best things to have happened to me in the past 11 months. I have a few things lined up, bu i'm not spilling the beans just yet.

That basically wraps it all up in a short little summary. Expect more posts in the near near future. Peace and Love.

Ooh yeah! I'm growing my hair! You should see this mini- fro and napppy beard thing i got going on. It makes me feel....natural :-)
